In 2016 Extreme Sailing Series™ team of Switzerland’s Alinghi was crowned as champions.

This happened after final-day shootout that was epic.
The entire championship was very challenging and it was like a nail-biting situation, however, Alinghi handled things efficiently and came out as winner. It is not like Alinghi is winning this match for the first time. But, he is the third time winner of Extreme Sailing Series. The first time he won a series in year 2008, second time in 2014 and now 2016. Though, this is the third victory of Alinghi, but in this victory, he has done something for the first time. Team of Alinghi flied on his new fast and light GC32 catamarans.
Oman Air started racing taking the lead of narrow two-point onto Sydney Harbor’s iconic waters, however Alinghi was aware that if they manage to defeat the crew of Larson then they would be able to claim the crown of the series. Read more… »